Friday 10 December 2010

In praise of the compact

Many landscape photographers are also keen walkers/hikers/trekkers and this creates something of a dilemma. Burdening yourself with a lot of heavy equipment will make the walk less enjoyable and, if you are continually stopping to set up a tripod, you will not be popular with your walking companions. The solution is to use a compact camera that can be carried in a pocket or shoulder bag. With auto-exposure and auto-focus all you have to do is frame and shoot. Modern compacts have a wide range of focal lengths, enabling you to successfully frame the subject whether it is 10 feet away or 10 miles away. To avoid the perennial problem of burnt-out skies, it is advisable to underexpose by something like 2/3 of a stop. Areas of the picture that are too dark can afterwards be corrected using Photoshop.

This was taken on our recent Himalayan trek.

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